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Patient Prism's Dental Industry Blog

Here you'll find hundreds of articles and video interviews with dental industry experts on the topics of DSO and practice growth, dental software, call-tracking technology, patient experience and artificial intelligence fueling the dental industries ability to treat more patients and change lives.

Note: This article describes a previous version of Patient Prism. You can read about the latest version of Patient Prism, V3, here.

Group Dentistry Now's DSO Study Club Webinar Series

March 2021--Bill Neumann of Group Dentistry Now hosted Amol Nirgudkar, CEO of Patient Prism and Ophir Tanz, CEO of Pearl on a discussion webinar in February 2021 to talk about how their products are growing DSO revenue with artificial intelligence (AI).


While Patient Prism uses artificial intelligence (AI) to improve dental patient conversion, Pearl’s technology solutions assist dental professionals with precise imaging and AI that identifies oral health issues earlier with higher precision and allows practitioners to assess patient data longitudinally across their practice to improve diagnosis and treatment planning. The technology solutions of both companies are prime examples of artificial intelligence software being used in dentistry to evaluate vast amounts of data and provide intelligence that enables dental teams to be not only more efficient but more effective.

Effective call-coaching with Patient Prism. Schedule a demo ›

How can Artificial Intelligence (AI) help you schedule more of the patients you want to schedule?

One way AI helps is in referring patients to your dental practice. Google Ads do this. Facebook and Instagram ads do this. Other pay-per-click advertising does this. Search engine algorithms are intricately involved with AI. 

Another way is through Patient Prism’s call analysis platform, which evaluates your incoming calls to determine which callers are of the highest value to you, to track what happens in their phone conversations with your team, and to alert you to missed opportunities so you can attempt to quickly win back those opportunities. Patient Prism powers AI also to coach you in the best things to say. The result is more booked patients of the type you want. You are converting more callers into scheduled patients without spending more on marketing. Your cost of new patient acquisition is going down.


How does Patient Prism’s AI-powered, cloud-based platform teach your front desk or call center team how to better communicate with new patients? 

How many times have you ended a conversation and thought of something you forgot to say or wish you could have said in a better way? Patient Prism’s AI software is programmed with certain keywords and phrases used commonly on dental phone calls and can spot things the receptionist forgot to say that would have increased the probability that the patient would have booked the appointment.  

Because Patient Prism’s software has analyzed over five million new patient phone calls and found outcome correlations with the things that are said by the patient and receptionist, the software and our live coaches in Tampa, Florida know with unbiased certainty what you can say better next time. That next time might be when a different potential patient calls or when you are alerted by Patient Prism that you missed a high-value opportunity and you now call back to provide the potential new patient with more information.

Within 20-30 minutes of a missed opportunity, you will be alerted to the revenue opportunity lost, what went right and what went wrong on the phone call, what information or empathy could still win you that patient, and coaching notes with associated links to short training videos that will help you best approach a callback. Because we have data from over five million new patient phone calls, we know that when the prospective patient is called back within 30 to 60 minutes, 25 to 30% of these patients will be impressed enough to make the appointment. 

Effective call-coaching with Patient Prism. Schedule a demo ›

Is it difficult to implement AI technology solutions like Patient Prism into a dental practice or DSO command center?

In the case of Patient Prism, there is an onboarding process in which your practice profile is custom created to reflect your services and policies, setup relayed phone numbers attributed to your marketing promotions, identify team members whose performance will be tracked, and enter your fee schedule so Patient Prism can track won and lost revenue opportunities. But the Patient Prism Client Success Team makes that easy.

As soon as you sign your agreement to start, our onboarding specialist will reach out with an onboarding form on which you or your office manager enter the information we will need to track and coach your calls. Once we have that information, our IT specialist will reach out and walk you through the process of setting up tracking numbers for your various marketing channels and promotions. You will also hear from our Client Success Team and be assigned an account manager who will personally walk you through our training session of about 30-45 minutes. Your Client Success account manager will oversee and help you every step of the way.


What about support?

In addition to being highly responsive to phone calls and online requests for help, we provide many resources to help our customers make the most of Patient Prism’s call tracking, opportunity alerts, reports, coaching, and call conversion training. Every month, your Client Success account manager will check in with you to review Patient Prism call metrics, revenue opportunities lost and won, marketing insights and more. We routinely provide management and marketing recommendations based on the vast intelligence we are collecting.


Deep insights come from large scale intelligence.

Our AI-powered software is evaluating metrics on vast data tracked across the nation. We have real-time intelligence on what matters to patients right now. You might surmise what is happening from personal experience or survey data, but only AI can do this type of analysis on huge amounts of data in real time. 

For example, patients still need assurances that is it safe to have regular dental care and proceed with needed treatments a year after Phase 1 of the pandemic, but dental teams have become used to this and tend to shrug their shoulders instead of staying intentionally in the moment communicating to their patients it is safe to proceed with treatment. So, we remind our customers about the messages that both new patients and established patients need to hear and recommend ways to deliver those messages that go beyond incoming phone calls.

For more insights, schedule a demonstration of Patient Prism, click here.

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Checklist Schedule Patient Guide - Call Tracking for Dentists

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Patient Prism is A.I.-driven software that helps dental practices grow new patient revenue by booking more first-time callers.

Instantly increase new patient revenue by 30% on average.

Patient Prism provides your front desk team or call center with the tools and coaching they need to book more new patients on the first phone call. 

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